BOAF NESTS & Contacts

Meeting Days and Times for Established Nests
Zoom Link Attached on NEST if Applicable


  • Charlotte, North Carolina

    The Charlotte, North Carolina nest meets the 2nd MONDAY
    of each month at 7-8pm.

    Good Shepherd United Methodist Church
    13110 Moss Rd.   Room 325
    Charlotte, NC  28273
    Approximately 5 minutes off I-485 on S. Tryon St. (Exit 1)

    For more information contact:

    TJ M.  704-965-3144


  • Dayton

    The NEW Dayton, Ohio Nest

    Contact the following for directions and more information:

    Mike H.  937-321-6717
    Derek S.  757-329-0838

    The Dayton Nest is open to all pilots and aircrew for a casual meeting.  Help support our new nest when in this area.

  • Denver, Colorado

    DEN Nest

    MONDAY 1100 MT

    Zoom ID 321 132 362

    PW: Birds

    Glen G.   720-838-6206

  • Detroit, Michigan


    Birds of a Feather
    BOAF DTW Meeting

    In-person and hybrid Zoom Meetings are now available in the Detroit area

    In-person Meeting
    Mondays 7pm local
    St. Patricks
    730 Rickett Rd.
    Brighton MI 48116

    Zoom Hybrid Meeting -  Mondays
    7pm EST (1900 or 0000zulu)
    Meeting ID:  183 076 214
    Password: Birds

    Beth  734-352-9606
    Arvin 810-599-3861
    Ryan 248-672-3481

  • Gig Harbor, Washington

    The Gig Harbor, Washington Nest meets every MONDAY at 1730 at the following location:

    Operations Office at airport KTIW
    1202 26th Ave. NW
    Gig Harbor, WA  98335

    For more information or to receive directions please contact:

    Doug C.
    760-470-2093 (c)
    253-358-3385 (h)

    Wallace W.

    Please help us support this new nest for Pilots and Cockpit Crewmembers only.

    The group is very happy with our new location as it is on the airport grounds and provides convienient access for those who wish to fly-in, or those who wish to drive. The airport office we use is located across from transient parking, 15 steps away; and right next to "The Hub", airport restaurant.

  • Pheonix , Airzona

    PHX South Nest
    MON   6pm Local 
    ID #  494 188 977

    Phoenix, Arizona South

    The Phoenix South Nest is a closed discussion meeting for pilots and cockpit crewmembers only and meets every Tuesday night at 7pm near Phoenix International Airport. 

    The last Tuesday of the month is a Step Meeting. Please call the contacts below for additional information and directions:

     Brian S.        602-791-4675
      Joe G.          602-790-8961

    Tuesday 7pm in person meetings have now resumed.
    Contact Joe G. for address

    PHX ZOOM Meetings:
    Monday 6pm 

    Mtg ID # 494 188 977
    Thursday 7pm  

    Mtg ID # 928 780 786

    Call Joe G. above for the passwords

    Phoenix South has agreed to hold the 2027 Annual BOAF Convention.

    THUR   7pm Local ID # 928 780 786
    Joe G.   602-790-8961

  • Seatle, Washington

    The Seattle Nest was the first nest established by Birds of a Feather and held its first meeting in 1975!

    The Seattle Nest now meets every Monday of the month at 1900.

    Aldersgate United Methodist Church
    14230 NE Newport Way
    Bellevue, WA 98006

    Due to the virus situation, the Seattle Nest will not meet
    in person.  However, there are Zoom Meetings:

    Please contact the individuals below for directions and information when in the Seattle area.

    Marty F.    206-931-7533
    Bill D.     425-553-9611


    The Seattle Nest meeting is for
    Pilots and Cockpit Crewmembers only

  • St Paul, Minnestoa

    The Minneapolis-St. Paul BOAF will host the Big Flock MeetingMONDAY at 1400 CT Local (2000 UTC Standard time, 1900 UTC Daylight Savings time).  This is a ZOOM meeting only and is a step/tradition meeting with a speaker on the last MONDAY of the month.

    The WEDNESDAY Noon meeting is a combination ZOOM and IN-PERSON topic meeting held at the address shown below.

    Go to the ZOOM meeting page to see the Monday and Wednesday ID numbers and passwords.

     Please call the individuals below for more information. 

    Andy V.       952-239-7369
    Beth O.     734-352-9606
    Tim B.     952-221-8075
    Jeremy K.     912-414-0989

    The normal in-person meeting location is in a large office building near the MSP airport at
    7900 International Dr.
    Bloomington, MN.
    It's one block west of the light rail station at 34th Ave S. and American Blvd.  This LRT runs between downtown Minneapolis, the airport and the Mall of America.

    New location as of August 2023
    Elevator UP to 4th floor and proceed to Conference Center 425 and the "Conference Room" is designated inside this area.  We have coffee!.

  • Tucson, Arizona


    The NEW Tucson Nest meets MONDAY afternoons at 4pm at the following location:

    32077 S. Flat Rock Dr.
    Oracle, Arizona
    Attendees must first call the number below
    for the gate code.

    For directions or more information contact:
    Michelle C.

    Help support our newest nest when in the Tucson area. 

    Copyright © 2014 by "BOAF" All Rights reserved.


    The Tucson nest welcomes pilots plus individuals in aviation safety sensitive careers

  • The Netherlands

    The FIRST Dutch Nest of Birds of a Feather meets every MONDAY at 1200.  Location is the Lelystad Airport.  Call the contact below for directions.  We will pick you up if you are on a layover in Amsterdam.  

    Freo H.    +31-(0)6-81684954


  • Cincinnati, Ohio

    The CVG Nest meets every Tuesday evening at 1730. 
    We meet just across the river from Cincinnati at:

    Lakeside Presbyterian Church
    2690 Dixie Highway
    Lakeside Park, KY 41017
    (10 minutes from CVG)
    (Meeting is held in Carriage House back parking lot)

    ZOOM meeting ID 975 992 2504
    Password:  65432

    Jon B.   513-265-8718
    Scott M.   859-992-7268
    Garry K.   859-609-6505
    Ken S.  513-226-0938


    Our nest continues to be available for all pilots.  We have up to 20 attending our meetings with a range of sobriety from newcomer to 30+ years.  We are always happy to have visitors so give us a call and we will assist you with transportation or directions.  We usually meet for dinner before or after the meeting and are happy to have you join us.

  • Dallas-Ft. Worth EAST

    The   DFW East nest meets every Tuesday at 7 pm in Room 119 at St. Andrew United Methodist Church at 5801 W. Plano Pkwy, Plano, Tx. 

    The entrance is off Mira Vista St. on east side of the church.  There's a new North entrance, it has a long white awning.

    A streaming ZOOM meeting will be held at the same time as the in person meeting:  ID # 321 2483118  PW:  birdswest

    Located on the northwest corner of the Dallas North Tollway and the G. Bush Tollway. Plano Pkwy is the 1st exit north of the Bush Tollway.

    Join us for Dinner: 1730 Katy Trail Ice House Outpost
    4700 W. Park Blvd, Plano, TX  75093

    For more information about this nest or for additional directions to the meeting or dinner contact:

       Mark F.          972-839-2330
       Jim W.             214-724-1387
         Bill D.             830-237-8299


    The meeting on Tuesday has a new location in the same building. We will now meet in the library, which is located just behind the gift shop. Mark said it will be easy to find, and will be a more comfortable setting.

    The Dallas area nests have agreed to hold the 2029 Annual BOAF Convention

  • Honolulu, Hawaii

    Honolulu Nest

    Tuesday 1500 local
    ID # 7820198916
    PW:  4xVMum

    Contact below for more info
    Mike B.  954-829-2239
    Bob C.   907-854-2828

  • Indianapolis, Indiana

    "The Finish Line" is a NEW Birds of a Feather nest in Indianapolis, Indiana.  Meetings are held on the LAST TUESDAY of each month at 11:00 AM at the following location:

    401 N. Delaware St.
    Indianapolis, IN 46204
    Room #401

    For directions or more information contact one of the following:

    Eric L.           901-490-6643
    Curtis J.        317-626-4055
    Danny M.       970-270-9989
    Steve F.        765-602-3769

    Thank you for supporting our new nest when in our area.

  • Lake Conroe, Texas

    The  Lake Conroe, Texas nest meets the 2nd and 4th TUESDAY
    of each month
    at 1900 at the following location:

    Carbon Church (Youth Bldg)
    115 Arapahoe Dr.
    Montgomery, Texas 77316

    NOTE:  For Lake Conroe ZOOM meetings click thislist

    For more information or directions contact:

    Bill B.  570-872-6414
    Brad G.   724-494-0782 


    Join us for group dinner at 1800 at THAI WOK IN,
    Highway 105 (400 yards from Carbon Church).

  • Las Vegas

    LAS VEGAS Nest

    TUE  1830 PT
    ID # 365 430 2733
    Password: Wilbur1903
    Dan D.

  • Los Angeles Airport, CA

    The Los Angeles Airport Nest meets every TUESDAY at 1200 local at the following address:
    To get directions please call:
    Gary T.  310-795-4365

    For the ZOOM meeting:
    ID # 183 076 214
    Password:  Birds

  • Phoenix, Arizona South

    The Phoenix South Nest is a closed discussion meeting for pilots and cockpit crewmembers only and meets every Tuesday night at 7pm near Phoenix International Airport. 

    The last Tuesday of the month is a Step Meeting. Please call the contacts below for additional information and directions:

     Brian S.        602-791-4675
      Joe G.          602-790-8961

    Tuesday 7pm in person meetings have now resumed.
    Contact Joe G. for address

    PHX ZOOM Meetings:
    Monday 6pm 

    Mtg ID # 494 188 977
    Thursday 7pm  

    Mtg ID # 928 780 786

    Call Joe G. above for the passwords

    Phoenix South has agreed to hold the 2027 Annual BOAF Convention.

  • Memphis, Tennessee

    The Memphis Nest meets every Tuesday of each month at 1200.  


    Hope Church
    8500 Walnut Grove Rd.
    Memphis, TN.

    For more information contact:
    Craig B. - 901-488-7641
    Mike B. - 901-679-8752
    Mike H. - 901-218-3027
    Shawn M. - 901- 626-5352


    We are located in Room 223 and the best place to park is Parking Area #1

       We accept all pilots plus our group conscience has opened up the meeting for any AAer in aviation.

  • Portland, Oregon

    The Portland Nest meets every Tuesday evening at 1900 at a location in nearby Vancouver, Washington. Come early for hangar talk at 1845.

    For the exact location and directions to the meeting or for more information please contact:

      Beth C.    510-599-2481
      Drew    503-975-4828


    The Portland Nest accepts current or former pilots and
    cockpit crew members only.

  • Portsmouth/Manchester, New Hampshire

    Combined with DXB

    ZOOM Meetings are currently being held Tuesday & Friday 1300z.

    ID#:  830 9444 7260

    Password: 777380

    We meet Tuesday and Friday mornings at 1300z (so the local time changes, 0800 eastern in the winter and 0900 eastern in the summer). Tuesday the NH birds typically run the meeting and Friday the DXB birds will run it.

    Please call the contact below for directions and further information.

    Devin C.


    No in person at this time.
    Contact Devin C. for updated info.

  • Reno, Nevada

    The NEW Reno, Nevada nest meets every TUESDAY at 1900.  Our meetings are held at:

    The Triangle Club
    635 S. Wells St.
    Reno, Nevada

    For more information and/or directions please contact:

    TW @ 775-846-1539

  • San Diego (North), California

    The San Diego NORTH Nest meets every Tuesday at 7:30pm north of San Diego in Oceanside. 

    Please call us at the number below for exact location or for directions.

    Mitch G.

  • Toronto, Ontario, Canada

    The Toronto Nest meets once per month usually the Second Tuesday
    evening at 5:30 pm Eastern Time.

    Emmanuel United Church
    420 Balmoral Dr.

    Meeting room to the left when you come into the Church
    as there are two AA meetings at the same time at
    this location.  See you there....

    Please contact the following individuals for questions or directions:


    Mike D.  Sec'y   416-618-5431  
    Andy B 613-532-0467
    Kevin B.   418-409-5659
    Rick F  905-877-5806

  • Wichita, Kansas

    The Wichita, Kansas nest meets every Tuesday at 1830 at the following location:

    St. Joseph Medical Center
    3600 E. Harry St.
    Wichita, KS 67218

    Contact the following for additional information:

    Charles M.      316-204-4073

    Copyright © 2014 by "BOAF" All Rights reserved.

    Support our nest!  Contact us when in town and attend one of our meetings.

  • BOAF Al-Anon Workbook Study Mtg

    Tuesday 1000 CST
    ID 837 5867 1792
    Password:  Birds

    In this step study each week, we will delve into a new aspect of the 12 steps framework adopted by Al-Anon from Alcoholics Anonymous, to better understand how these principles can guide us towards personal freedom.

    Kim S. 507-382-5447

  • Lady Birds Nest


    1300ET, 1000PT
    ID # 920 936 098
    Password:  Contact Tami
    Tami Halloran  706-717-9660



    4th WED of the Month
    2200 hrs UTC
    (1100 local Australia-NZ)
    ID #: 835 4908 8103
    Password:  ANZAC
    Brian H. +64211129556

  • Atlanta, Georgia

    The Atlanta Nest is a closed meeting that meets both in person and on ZOOM every Wednesday evening at 1930 Eastern time

    We meet at:
    Talbott Recovery (Main Campus)
    5355 Hunter Rd.
    Atlanta, GA 30349
    (10 minute drive from KATL)

    The security gate is opened at 1900, park to the left and enter thru double glass doors just up the hill.  If the gate isn't open push button and let operator know that you are there for the Birds Mtg.

    ZOOM meeting ID: 573 527 897
    Password:  023282

    Below are contacts for additional information:

    Paul M.      909-292-6024     text or call
    Bill T.        901-336-5183    test or call
    Owen M.     678-378-1169     text or call
    Jeff A.     678-596-3091     text or call
    Jim V.     260-312-4663     text or call
    Lyle P.     770-507-4040     call only
    Jeff T.     404-242-8904     text or call
    Paul F.     404-405-3934     text or call

    Our nest is available for all pilots.  We have up to 20 attending our meetings in person with an additional 5-20 on Zoom.  Sobriety ranges from newcomer to 30+ years.  We are always happy to have visitors so give us a call and we will assist you with directions and/or transportation.

  • Atlantic City


    2nd & 4th WED
    ID # 503 649 9952
    Password:  747

    Jim A.     609-504-2205
    Dan D.   732-300-1012

  • Anchorage, Alaska

    The ANC nest meets at a downtown location just a few blocks from layover hotels.

    We meet every Wednesday at 2 p.m.  Come and join us.

    Zoom ID 95337399598

    PW: BOAF

    Gene D.  907-242-7487
    Jerry  907-351-8596

  • Australia

    2200 UTC
    ID # 776 730 4842
    Password:  ausbirds

  • Dublin, Ireland

    The Dublin, Ireland nest meets every Wednesday at 1300.

      For additional information and directions to the meeting, contact:

    Danny W.    00353 87 689 6043    (from the U.S.)
                                087 689 6043           (from within Ireland)

  • Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

    The Ft Lauderdale (FLL) meeting is held every Wednesday evening at 2000 at:

    12th Step House 

    205 SW 23rd St,

    Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315

    Call the numbers below for location and more information.

    Jeff R.  954-318-8651      
    Regis C.     954-554-8157

    FLL Nest Zoom Meetings
    Contact for ID # and Password:
    Jeff R.  954-318-8651


    We are sad to announce the loss of one of our "flock".  Darlene E. let us know that our past Big Bird, Jim E., passed away on Tuesday, October 15, 2019 

  • Houston, Texas

    The Houston Nest meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesday every month at 7pm at the following location:

    The Council on Alcohol and Drugs Houston
    303 Jackson Hill Street
    Houston  TX  77007

    Contact the following for more information:

    Dan H.    281-415-9975
    Sarah M.  281-900-3068
    Gordie J.   218-330-9459
    Bo G.   979-864-0674


    Please feel free to contact someone listed if you are from out of town and staying overnight.  We will help in whatever way we can.

    The Houston nest has agreed to host the 2024 BOAF Annual Convention.

  • Jacksonville, Florida

    The Jacksonville nest meets every Wednesday at 6:00pm.

    We meet at:

    Cipriano & Johnson Counseling 

    2520 Isabella Blvd, Suite 50
    Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250

    Contact Information:

    Michael T.


  • Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada

    The Kelowna BOAF Nest meets every Second Wednesday of the month at 10am.

    Please call the number(s) below for location:

    Scott W.   250-859-2532

  • Minneapolis- St Paul, Minnesota

    The Minneapolis-St. Paul BOAF will host the Big Flock MeetingMONDAY at 1400 CT Local (2000 UTC Standard time, 1900 UTC Daylight Savings time).  This is a ZOOM meeting only and is a step/tradition meeting with a speaker on the last MONDAY of the month.

    The WEDNESDAY Noon meeting is a combination ZOOM and IN-PERSON topic meeting held at the address shown below.

    Go to the ZOOM meeting page to see the Monday and Wednesday ID numbers and passwords.

        Please call the individuals below for more information. 

    Andy V.       952-239-7369
    Beth O.     734-352-9606
    Tim B.     952-221-8075
    Jeremy K.     912-414-0989

    The normal in-person meeting location is in a large office building near the MSP airport at
    7900 International Dr.
    Bloomington, MN.
    It's one block west of the light rail station at 34th Ave S. and American Blvd.  This LRT runs between downtown Minneapolis, the airport and the Mall of America.

    New location as of August 2023
    Elevator UP to 4th floor and proceed to Conference Center 425 and the "Conference Room" is designated inside this area.  We have coffee!.

  • New Zealand

    New Zealand Birds

    2nd WED of the Month
    2200 hrs UTC
    (Local NZ Time THUR 1100  NZST)
    ID #: 899 2880 6968
    Password:  NZBOAF

  • Okanagan


    2nd WED
    1000 PT
    ID # 848 1946 1949
    Password: 474660

  • Orlando, Florida

    MCO Nest

    1930 ET
    ID # 893 5069 5780
    Password:  MCOboaf21
    Ruben V.

  • Salt Lake City, Utah

    The Salt Lake City BOAF meets the 1st Wednesday of each month at 2pm

    9662 700 E.
    Sandy, UT  84070

    For more information or directions call:
    Ian   907-947-7096
    Brian   801-913-7175

  • San Francisco, California

    We meet the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month at 1130 am. ZOOM only!
    Click HERE

    In person meetings are posponed at:

    San Carlos Flight Center
    655 Skyway Rd. #215
    San Carlos, CA  94070

    Contact the following for directions or more info:

    Greg C.    650-219-8018
            Chris M.

  • Tampa, Florida

    WED   1700 ET
    ID # 634 196 5940
    Password:  Birds
    Brigitte 727-403-8326
    James B.  502-419-1980

  • Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

    The Vancouver Nest meets every Wednesday at 12 noon. 

    Our new meeting location is:
    Kisha Poppa Japanese Restaurant
    11660 Stevenston Hwy #1060
    Richmond, B.C.

    Bill B.          604-276-2554  or

    Grant P.   604-948-0788     

    The 2025 Annual BOAF Convention will be hosted by the Vancouver area BOAF nests and will be held in conjunction with the 90th Alcoholics Anonymous International Convention in Vancouver, British Columbia.


  • Auckland, New Zealand

    The Auckland, New Zealand Birds of a Feather nest meets the
    SECOND THURSDAY of the month at 2200 UTC
    Meeting followed by coffees and lunch.

    Please call or text the following for venue information:

    Colin D.  +64 21 899 663
    Brian H.   +64 21 112 9556

    Austrailian Birds Zoom Meetings
    1st & 2nd THUR 2200Z
    Andrew O.


    After a group conscience, we now accept Flight Attendants at our meetings. 

    The New Zealand area BOAF nests have agreed to hold the
    2026 Annual BOAF Convention

  • Calgary, Alberta, Canada

    The Calgary Nest meets every Thursday night at the Shell Aerospace Centre in the upstairs conference room at 7pm. 

    The building is located on the southwest end of the field at the Calgary International Airport.  Please join us.  Contact the individuals below for more information or for a ride:

    Dale A.      403-286-2782
    Tom W.     403-698-1468

    Calgary is conducting ZOOM on line meetings at this time:
    YYC Nest
    THUR   1900 MT
    ID # 822 8036 4889

    PW: YYCBoaf

    Bob B.  306-914-1046


    The 2018 Calgary convention was a great success with great meetings, professional speakers, activities, tours and banquet.

  • Dallas-Ft. Worth, Texas (West)

    The DFW West Nest meets every THURSDAY at 1900 at:

    52F Northeast Regional Airport
    Aero Valley Airport
    116 Boeing Way
    Roanoke, TX 76262

    Thursdays, 1900 CST

    ID for both DFW East & West is:  #321-248-3118
    PW:  birdswest

    Please call the following individuals for additional information.

    Mike S.        940-368-3053
    Rusty N.      580-221-4588
    Incurable Phil   214-505-4553
    Dave "Bubba" E.    214-415-8422
    Rick "Weenie" W.  817-719-5426


    The Dallas West and East nests will be hosting the 2029
    BOAF Convention

  • Hong Kong

    The Hong Kong nest has suspended in-person meetings for the foreseeable future.  Go to the Zoom Meeting page HERE for their Zoom Meeting.

    For additional information contact:

    Ross L.   +(852)60859293

    Roger H.   + (852) 6923-7788


    The first meeting of the Hong Kong nest was held on Sunday, May 26, 2013.  A total of 7 people were in attendance for the first meeting. 

  • Knoxville, Tennessee

    The  Knoxville, Tennessee nest will meet at 1900 the 1st and 3rd THURSDAY of each month starting in October, 2018.  The 1st Thursday will be closed to pilots only and the 3rd Thursday will be open to anyone in the aviation field in recovery.  Meetings will be at:

    Cornerstone of Recovery Treatment Center
    4726 Airport Hwy
    Louisville, TN  37777

    Please check in at the front desk of the "Polly Bales" bldg for the room number.
    For more information or directions please contact:

    Brad S.     865-300-6403
    Al H.     865-407-6744


    First meeting will be October 4, 2018.  Please support
    our new nest by stopping in for a meeting if in the area.

  • Langley, British Columbia, Canada

    The Langley Nest of British Columbia, Canada meets every Thursday at 10am.

    For more information on their meeting place and directions please call one of the following:

    George C.      604-541-0510
    Grant T.     604-530-3084


    The Langley nest invites "professional pilots" only to their meetings.

  • Lake Tahoe

    The NEW Lake Tahoe nest meets every Thursday at 1300.

    Meetings are held at the Minden/Tahoe Airport, hangar row 13. Meet at Taildragger Cafe.  Call Mike at
    530-318-5568 to open gate.

    Please contact the following for information and directions:
    Mick D.

    Help us support this new nest by attending if you live or visit in this area.

  • Norfolk, Virgina

    NORFOLK, VA. Nest

    THUR   0800 EDT
    ID # 893 5161 0427
    Password:  001215

    Jeff G.   828-289-2157
    Alex L.   850-776-7575

    The Norfolk Nest celebrated its 25th Anniversary the month of February 2016.

    ORF Nest

    2000 ET
    ID 569 625 5452
    Password:  ORFBirds
    Alex L.  850-776-7575

  • Pensacola, Florida

    The regular PNS Nest meets every THURSDAY evening at 8 pm at the St. Francis of Assisi Church in Gulf Breeze, Florida.  Please contact the individuals below for more information.

     Tom B.     850-499-0726
     Bob H.   850-291-7237
     Gary B.   502-608-1107

  • Pheonix, Arziona


    PHX South Nest

    THUR   7pm Local

    ID # 928 780 786
    Joe G.   602-790-8961

  • San Diego, California

    SAN Nest

    1930 PT
    ID # 814 1953 2207
    Password:  SDBOF

    For password contact:
    Mitch G.  760-458-8510

  • South Puget Sound

    South Puget Sound

    2nd and 4th THUR  1900
    ID # 879 9521 4079
    Richard S.  360-292-0901
    Forest S.   360-528-9117
    Paul W.  252-732-7723

  • Washington, D.C

    The Washington D.C. Nest meets at 8:30 PM each Thursday night.

    Contact the following for more information and for directions.
    John P.     703-577-0276

    DCA Nest Zoom Meeting
    2000  EDT
    ID # 634 196 5940
    For Password contact:
    Steve C.


  • BOAF Al-Anon

    FRIDAY  11 ET/8PT
    ID # 837 5867 1792
    Password: Birds

    This Al-Anon meeting of the Birds of a Feather has been established to address the special needs of family members of pilots whose lives have been affected by alcoholism. BOAF Al-Anon is also valuable to help our sober pilot members who are parents of alcoholics or are adult children of alcoholics.

    BOAF recognizes the unique pressures of an aviation family. Therefore, we meet to provide a forum where both recovery and problems peculiar to aviation families can be discussed with impunity.

    Attendance at these meetings will be limited to family members of pilots as well as any pilots both active and inactive.

    Tanya K. 239-877-9663

    Blake A. 763-218-9242

  • Canada Wide


    FRI  1500 EDT
    ID # 183 076 214
    Andy B.  613-532-0467

  • Quebec, Canada

    The Montreal Nest meets the 2nd Friday of every month from
    0930 - 1030 at the following location:

    Pointe Claire Deli
    51 AV Donegani
    Pointe Claire QC
    H9R 2V8

    We no longer have ZOOM meetings.

    Contact the following for more information:

    Tim M.       514-835-3537
    Alice R.      514-757-4429

  • Dubai U.A.E.

    Combined with Portsmouth/Manchester, New Hampshire.

    ZOOM Meetings are currently being held for the Dubai Nest.

    Tuesday & Friday 1300z

    ID# 830 9444 7260

    Password: 777380

    We meet Tuesday and Friday mornings at 1300z (so the local time changes, 0800 eastern in the winter and 0900 eastern in the summer). Tuesday the NH birds typically run the meeting and Friday the DXB birds will run it.

    Dubai Nest Contact:
    Brian A.
    UAE cell # +97150-101-3945
    US cell # +1 347-525-0456 (text msg only)

    With the help of the largest airline here we are anticipating a dedicated clubhouse for AA, NA, OA, Al Anon and BOAF in the near future.  The pilot recovery community is growing but we still don't have the number of pilots to fill a scheduled meeting at this time. 

    For those who visit Dubai, please contact us for meeting times, directions and to meet pilots in our fellowship for enjoyable hospitality.  We are all very excited about bringing BOAF to the UAE and appreciate your continue support and patience.

    Richard P.
    Nick S.  +971 56 614 0832
    Mike D.  +971 52 791 8935

    There are about five of us who are regular Birds and meet up Tuesday evening when two or more of us have Tuesday evening free.  Mike D. is our anchor point and the best one to reach.


  • Inchon, Korea

    The Inchon, Korea nest meets intermittantly at 1300 in New Song-do City

      Please call or email the individuals below for location and directions. 

    Tim P +82.010.6444.5336

    Koreamike     702-430-1722

    skype:  mike73800

    Carlisle O  +82.010.8743.0727


    We have started a new nest in New Song-do City, Inchon, Korea. Currently we have a meeting place but it may have to be changed so we ask any Birds to contact one of us either by phone or
    email until we have a permanent location.


  • United Kingdom

    UK Nest

    6pm Local UK
    1700Z Summer
    1800 Z Winter
    ID # 827 6827 0101
    Ricky K (for password)

    Keith 07527 527109

    Natalie 07580 216726 

    Nest Note:


    A closed meeting of aviation professionals (including: pilots, cabin crew, engineers, air traffic control staff or wherever the member is licensed to carry out his/her aviation profession), active or inactive in the field of aviation, dedicated to the principles of Alcoholics Anonymous.